Thursday, November 11, 2010

Purpose, and positive changes..

Dear blog, sorry I have not taken the time to write, nor to change the template to a more decent, respectable one (promise will do that soon..).

Have been busy reviewing, bidding adieu to old stuff, and to envision a new way of life... a new road. I remember and feel so strongly with that quote from the movie "Eat Pray Love" :
"Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation."
Well, sometimes we have to hit bottom, and reach total destruction before full re-construction can happen.. and to look at it in a good way, with ruins, the only way to go is up. Strengthening my mind, and consciously making positive changes here....I have been a master at ruins so far, time to construct the new road now...

Purpose... will have to spend more time thinking about that...

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