Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Experiences... this week

Have been feeling fatigue the whole week, but thinking back, there were a few new experiences that spiced up things a little (all food related... hmmm).
Went to Beary Cafe -- the new setup that took over the space in Republic Plaza II from Cedele Depot-- for lunch with Angela. Cool place with cool menu, but food was not impressive. Really like the way they do up the walls...(see picture)
Then one of the mornings, had breakfast at Quinoz with Urai.

On Friday after our facials, had a late dinner with Jackie at Hong Kong Cafe (Xiang Gang Cha Can Ting) on East Coast Road. .. not bad.. simple setup but at least all the items we ordered turned out satisfactory.

And last night, BC returned with the much awaited Nespresso Touch and the Aerocino , plus lots of capsules.. hee.. quite a chic piece of add-on to our kitchen, and we had our first cup this morning.. hmmmm.....

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