Sunday, October 12, 2008

some silly thoughts...

A week of chaos in the stock market, but I was more hounded by yinghong's constant nagging about wanting a puppy for her next birthday. No way... good thing Boonchong stood on the same side as me.
Had a free dinner on friday, thanks to BC's colleague. Never knew there is such nice Japanese ala carte buffet in Miramar Hotel - Ikoi Japanese Restaurant. On our way home, the traffic on CTE slowed down near the ERP gantry... we realized it's 30 seconds to 10pm when the charges will change from $1 to $0.50. Took a picture of that for fun.
And at the dinner, Yinghing made date with Celeste to meet in the park on Saturday morning so she could play with Celeste's dog - she was happy for the weekend... and after a few rounds of picking up dog poo, she gave up the idea of having a dog for now.. haaa.

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