Have been looking around for a writing desk for Yinghong to replace the kiddy one in her room. We all like to shop in IKEA, but while the 2 writing desks we saw, with pull-out table and drawers look nice, but they just don't look sturdy or reliable enough to pay more than $400 for. Courts had a cheaper and nicer one which YH had her eyes on. But we finally returned because BC spotted a mega-sale ad, and we got a computer desk that has enough shelves to make YH happy, and yet small enough to fit the bedroom corner... phew..
I was just amused to see the row of shoes at our doorway --- a whole row of pink shoes for Yinghong, and a whole cupboard of black ones for me... took a snapshot just for fun.
Saturday night was a real treat - we went to "Silk Road" at The Amara hotel for a splendid Sze Chuan dinner. I've been there a long time ago with Linda& gang, but have forgotten about this place for a while. Food, service and ambience are impressive. Authentic Sze Chuan Fare - you know it when our lips went numb after the
chao shou". Ordered the peking duck (yes, not szechuan dish, but I have craved for this for a while and since it's in the menu, I went for it), good but not outstanding, can afford to skip this. Redbean pancake was yummy! They added breadcrumbs to the crepe before frying, which made it look amateurish, but the taste is superb!! Redbean paste filling is smooth and not too sweet, the crepe thin and crispy, it's simply delicious! Too bad we were so busy eating I forgot to take any pictures... very unusual.
Already I have decided to return here with mum for her birthday dinner....