Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ready to be active again!

Finally the flu virus is gone and cough is subsiding. This week seemed so long. Work was frustrating, with many unproductive and interruptive conference calls(3 in this week!) in the evening, and having a wrecked body didn't help. Was so lethargic. But was glad to be able to squeeze in a quick dinner with Suresh on Monday, my favourit "kei tak sek" dessert in liang seah st with Urai, and a dinner with my ex-colleagues from Tokai. We had a good time sharing what had happened in our lives these years. The restaurant - HojJin (Japanese), was weird though. Service was bad - they didn't bother to even bring us more menu at first, then kept serving the neighbouring table's food to us. Just not a place I would recommend my friends to go to.
This morning we went to the new Children Garden at the Botanic Gardens, and bumped into Joseph Tan and his family! Not a bad place but less exciting then I expected.
Pampered myself with a pedicure while Yinghong was attending her art class. The Barbie face towels Joyce bought from Tokyo for Yinghong are so cute and came with a nice packaging! Took a picture so Beeyean can have a look... (marketing idea). Thank you ah nia! Can really trust you to buy the right thing! The are exactly the ones I have in mind, and YingHong loves them too!
Made Cha-wan Mushi again for dinner, varied the proportion of Dashi and eggs, didn't taste a lot different from last Sunday's. Still feel it's lacking something, but can't tell what it is, may be should add more shoyu the next time. Will continue to experiment...
Tomorrow is hair-cut day with Ali-baba.... looking forward to trim away all the dry ends and tidy up the mess a bit, maybe some new colours too...long overdue...
Lastly, loaded up a video that YingHong choreographed and voiced over. She directed and recorded this "advertisement" with her daddy's phone last Sunday night. When I refused to do all that acting and singing (due to the bad throat), she changed tactics and persuaded/forced me to act and do lip-sing while she lent the voice) Quite hilarious... well, have a good laugh my friends, and have a happy Sunday and good week ahead!

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