Friday, July 13, 2007

Weekend is finally here!

TGIF! This week past by rather quickly, think it's because I was busy at work. We had a "casino" set up in the office pantry today, but I missed the betting games as our team were in a meeting. Nevertheless we managed to get some nice scoops of New Zealand ice cream (of course I went for the one that's 75% fat free..) in a waffle cup.. yummy! Rushed off after work to meet Yinghong at Yamaha and sat in her class. This is a new semester and the new teacher is quite nice and funny, much like the previous one. I am glad the children enjoy her class. After the class, we walked past a Simpson Family display in the mall. Looked cute, so we took a picture. I had Yinghong posting next to the baby, pretending she was trying to pull the pacifier out of the baby's mouth.. heee..

Just this morning I was having some serious thoughts and though I will put them down in this blog, but I already forgotten most of it!!!!! Gosh! Wait, I do remember one :
I thought I wished I had started this blog thing much earlier. This is a rather good idea. There are many friends I wish I could keep in touch with more often that I now do, and sometimes I do miss them a lot, but have no time to call or email everyone to say hi. Now I can ask them to read this blog for some updates in my life! Amazing! This is the good part of technology revolution! The ugly side of technology advancement.... well, I will leave it here, much has been discussed everyday everywhere already. To all my friends out there.. Hope you are well and with you good health, good fun, and a very good life!!!!!


Kittymon said...

wahhh... got own blog already :)
Congrats!! Can't wait to read more.

Unknown said...

Pi, when your turn? Boonie must regular posting hor...Ali one, I niam her if she doesn't update

Anonymous said...

Glad i INSPIRED u... =)
i took that simpsons at vivo too.. in my phone as screen saver.. love your blog, very real and personal. good...keep it up my dear. will miss you heaps.

Yammie said...

Wow..Thank you all for your encouragement!! Christian, who is "Pi"? I think "Chew Chew" is Sharon, right? Long time no hear/see you.. hope everyday is a bright and happy day for you ok! Also Yvon, tks..I miss you too. I think I will be posting more of YingHong's pictures rather then mine.. mine not nice la.