I feel fear tonight.
I admit to the night -- I am afraid, afraid of life. That youtube video I watched a month ago is so right. We are in this world alone and we fight and figure things out ourselves.
Ying Hong and her friends will sit for their O levels exams from tomorrow. I will start with a new job next week...every step in life is a challenge. We learn and shape ourselves to overcome them. Be prepared, I always say. Some lucky ones have someone on their side.. through thick and thin, with a life partner.
At this age, I know well that everyone comes alone and leaves alone, can't depend on another really. Everyone has his own problems. Who would want to care and understand another's and help shoulder it? Only when there is love..
Maybe he is too occupied and too busy at this stage to want to take on more... he needs to manage and see how it goes. Well, I have learnt you can't force or pressurise anyone into it.
As I walked around the pool, I noticed the colourful fairy lights framing many windows in the Condo towers. Oh yes, it is Deevali... the festival of lights. Across culture, people look to light, brightness, as signs of hope and happiness. I must say the blinking lights are soothing and seem to wake up some optimism in me.
Let's remember to treasure and cherish, be less critical of myself and of others, don't think so much. Learn to be of more control and there would be a higher chance of a desired outcome.
Time to march on...