Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Food for thought...

Heard this on the radio today :
"If you love BECAUSE of differences and imperfections, not DESPITE of them, then you have found the one.. "
think that is very true.
Was talking to mum , and she said there is a difference between the chinese word "Teng"(Adore) and "Ai" (Love)...
"Teng" is intense and unconditional, simply a strong feeling that does not need any justification.
"Ai" is an intense emotional attachment, affection, and can be dependent of factors.

I think... a relationship can last forever with someone you "teng", not "ai"

I would think if you adore someone, it will last a long time..., while love can be very draining, and may change or wither..

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back ... in order...

Hmmm.. finally back to my blog, which I have been neglecting.
Life is slightly back in order now, (along with a couple of kgs more on me too!!!) and I must say I had a marvelous new year weekend surrounded by family and good friends!
Ying Hong turned NINE on Saturday and she had such a good time with her friends at her party. And me... a great afternoon visiting Siewtin's home, and on to a great evening with a simple yet splendid dinner (thanks to Jackie's excellent culinary skills) with fantastic company! Couldn't have asked for more... hope every day in 2010 will feel as good!