Saturday, September 27, 2008

Finally... my b-day...

This week is the week when Denise, Myself, and Caroline turn one year older.... and WISER! First surprise came when Kelly and Geraldine bought me a cake to cut in the office. BC got me what I have always wanted... the mesh-heart silver ring , plus an extra surprise..ooooohhh.. so unlike him to get something with no "investment" value nor "useful". Really happy... hee.. Yinghong even presented a surprise magic show to unvail the presents to me.. so touched!
ChewChew and Cookie attended F1 on friday, but the rest of the funny gang are soooo sweet to bring Caroline and me to a surprise location for a nice, warm and cosy dinner.
THANK YOU folks! It made me feel really special.
The after-dinner tour to Urai's new condo was really fun!
Hope some of the nice places will have a good price adjustment next year, so we can have an opportunity..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rather exciting week

Have been neglecting this blog, simply because I have been soooo busy.
Work is busy busy busy, but managed to join Jasmine for her birthday dinner on thursday.
This weekend is definitely exciting!
Yinghong made a lattern during her art class, performed her salsa dance at Elias C.C (Community Club) open day, there was a Mid autumn festival celebration evening at our Condo tonight!
Messed up a bit on my diet though... have been eating the different assortment of mooncakes since last weekend... gotta get back on track next week..