Saturday, August 30, 2008

Weekend of celebrations!

Last weekend was a hectic but happy one... Ching was here to celebrate her birthday with us. Was great catching up with her. We did so many things together in 2 days.. high tea, lounging (plus catching the fireworks performance which was part of the August national carnival); Spa, and dinner at Jaan. And all of us are impressed with her new trim figure...:) I am definitely more inspired and committed to cultivate a healthy eating habit from now on! (27% body fat means I am OBESE! Also means there is 16kg of fats on me!)
All the girly talks really helped ... we sometimes need to be reminded we are not alone in not having it all perfect in our lives, and Ching really show us we can work things out if we are determined to make changes or make things happen... do not give up easily. We all sort of know we need to stay positive and think positive... but I have been reminded this time to try to look at the positive sides of the people around us, especially our loved ones. Thank you Ching! You have given me a valuable present during your birthday trip here !

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Botanic gardens...

Woke up late this morning, so had to skip our usual roller-blading. Went to the Botanic Gardens for a stroll, and we have not really visited this place with such a relaxing pace... it's wonderful!
Yinghong happily fed those already well-fed fishes and tortoises in the Symphony lake; we played frisbies and badminton on the big lawn under the shade of those huge tropical trees... lovely.
Followed with a relaxing and stupendous lunch at Halia Restaurant (one of my favourties now... and this time, it is FREE!!!.. heee those from my workplace will know why).
Will load the pictures later.....Now the next big thing is to reserve Au Jardin for Aug 23..... :)

Is there anything the Chinese can't do?

Missed the 8:08 pm live broadcast of the Beijing Olympics opening, and saw only the Sportsman march-in. Luckily Channel U was re-telecasting at 11:30pm, so I rushed into the bedroom to watch that till 1:40am... totally worth sacrificing a bit of sleep for.
I love the drum performance at the beginning, totally awesome. So much creativity! So artistic and so much precision, definitely impressive. I have to take my hat off to Zhang Yi Mou. Trust him to intertwine a meaningful theme & storyline with visually pleasing performance that is still worthy of being called ART! I think it takes so much passion and Patriosm for the performers to be so committed to slog through 10 months to put up such a seamless performance. Truly an enjoyable experience for everyone.... BRAVO!
Today, Singapore celebrates its 43rd birthday with a parade and performance at Marina Bay... hopefully it won't be overshadowed by the Olympics opening ... I am sure the organizers must have been very stressed with fear of being compared with the Beijing's extravaganza..... nevertheles...
I LOVE SINGPORE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May the new direction of the Singapore Flyer brings in more wealth and fortune and luck for our country!