A socially busy week... met my "sister" Bee Yean after work on friday for dinner; had lunch on Saturday at "Nihon Mura" at Tampines swimming complex for the very reasonable $0.99 per plate sushis with family, a potluck dinner at our Condo function room with neighbours, then joined the "crazy" gang at Pepporoni Pizza and Chocolate Factory to celebrate Jasmine's birthday... Sunday was more sane, with Joyce & family coming over for a quick cup cake baking session. Forgotten to take some pictures of the girls playing together as I was busy in the kitchen the whole time...
One thing I read in the Saturday's paper shocked me though.. about a chap who went to the Primary dispute Resolution Centre (PDRC) in 2004 for his motorcycle accident case. Poor guy got awarded for $188 as the district Judge ruled in his favour and costs the plaintiff (woman) $1200 in terms of legal cost. HER appeal case in High court won (that PDRC was not a court and the order was invalid) and poor chap was ordered to pay $63000 for appeal costs, which was subsequently brought down to $45000, but his previous lawyer also claiming a separate $80000 legal fees against him???? Think most people who read this would be like..."what the ?????"
Firstly the fact that the Subordinate Courts issuing a directive that all settlements reached through the former PDRC (now e@dr Centre) would require an endorsement by the courts to give them the weight of legal judgements...indicates there was imperfection of PDRC? Funny right? We allow a judge to make judgement there but high court agreed the order was not valid, and because of this the guy who won the first case have to bear the cost of appeal???? dont quite make sense (common sense, not legal sense).
If someone chooses to appeal, it can only be to his/her benefit.. cos he/she is buying a second chance , so why don't he/she just pay for this second chance?????
The other person didn't AGREE to have a second judgement leh.. So shouldn't the person appealing be committed to pay the cost? Else, then anybody will suka suka appeal right.. nothing to lose mah (except for the case where you lose and the judge mete out a heavier sentence, meant to discourage frivilious appeals).
Well.. just thinking aloud here.. better not complain too much in case someone come after me and sue me...
Lastly, a line from "High School Musical 2" -- Once upon a lifetime .. means no second chance...
Think thrice before we act.. every thing we do has consequences... some mistakes we can afford to make, some... rather not or else you will spend your whole life regretting or paying for it..
Same goes for things you NEED to do.. like telling your loved ones you love them, before they are gone... remind yourself to be kind to your parents no matter how irritating they may seem, cos a parent's love is the only true form of unconditional love and its ever-lasting (whether you like it or not, be grateful..)!
This last paragraph is hasty.. cos feeling sleep now, need to go. Adious!